In this Post we will be talking about integration of technologies in the classroom and why it is important, and how I have found it useful.

We find technology everywhere we look these days, from our phones, to computer, to the cars we drive. Integrating tech in the classroom is more important than ever! Whether you like it or not, it's here, and it's here to say. Students will get a head start of 21st century learning and how to use different types of techs within the classroom and will be prepared to creatively problem solve. Tech helps us as educators because it can be a bridge between traditional teachings and online teachings, which I'm sure we are all aware of today.
Finding ways to Enhance the Classroom
With new technologies and programs there are many ways that we can enhance the learning generated In the classroom. First I find it important that technology gives students a new way to create. I find that using "new" or not used that often mediums help to engage students more! Especially if they are curious about their own learning and creativeness. This lets them discover more artistic outlets, such as animation, digital collage, digital photography. Let me be real here; what child doesn't like taking picture with a fancy camera?
With these new interactions in the classroom we can also see that technology offers a unique way to create. A lesson that I have envisioned for a while incorporating technology is a collaborative project. High school students are to draw from mirrors reflecting them selves and creating a blind contour self portrait, through this they or I will pick partners for each of them to work with. Depending on class size it would be groups of 2-3 students. From there they will then research ideas depicting abstract concepts, Impressionism, free flowing ideas. Once they have run their idea by me and I have approved, the students can then document their traditional drawings and then transfer them into photoshop or illistator. Where then collaboratively they will create a collage with shapes, colors, and other images with the focus of self, and their contrubituon to society. This lesson incorporates technology in way that teaches student how to transfer and then further build on an initial set of ideas.
With these techs in the classroom it had been shown that the increase for research and a further understanding of students concepts and ideas could be solidified. Through this it also is beneficial that we can use the tehcnolgies our selves as educators. We can use it in a new way to track progress and assess students projects and abilities throughout he process.